
  • Installation
  • 2008


  • Installation
  • 2008

The work “Fountain” was executed during the Real Presence – Floating Site workshop and residence in 2008 that took place in Museo di Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivoli, Italy.

During the stay at the museum, the gardeners cut a substantial amount of ivy from its walls. I collected the piles of green waste to fill up a semi-abandoned stone fountain in front of the museum, thus bringing it back to life. The globe was made to appear as it would have been extracted out of the fountain.
The vividness of the fountain would last only until the leaves are green and then it would come back to its former state.
The workshop was curated and organised by Biljana Tomic and Dobrila Denegri, and took place in Belgrade and Rivoli.
(Many thanks to everyone who helped bring the piles of green to the fountain, it is still dearly appreciated.)